Sunday, March 14, 2004

The Beach Parts I and II

The Beach Part I - The Friday Marina

A few days ago in a bit of strife
I took a look at my life
While staring into the ocean
watching the waves in motion
It puts one's life in context
not worrying about whats next
Just grateful for knowing great friends
and hoping it never ends
Why life changes as fast as it does
Is the meaning that she is not as steady as she goes

The Beach Part II - The Sunday Elliot

Yesterday, when sadness overcame me
that someone close was leaving me
Elliot had the answer in her hand
In the road beyond the sand
As i sat and talked i was glad
that i took the journey inspite of work i had
I loved feeling that i had my whole life before me
And great things might be in store for me
Only one thing is for sure
my memory of ACJ will always endure